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Merton's Theory of Anomie-and-Opportunity-Structures as applied to the development of a typology of national identity of migrants (on the example of the Russian community in the Czech Republic)

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The researcher attempts to apply Merton's Theory of Anomie-and-Opportunity-Structures to development a typology of the national identity on the example of Russians in the Czech Republic. The researcher raises a question, how Merton's theory can explain migrants' adaptation strategies, tied with an original national identity? The innovation of approach consists of changed Merton's paradigm from "a goal - a mean" to paradigm "the Russian national identity - the Czech society" and theoretical developing of this paradigm.

Based on Merton's theory, five strategies of adaptation of Russians are identified. There are 1) 1.

Full adaptation 2) Partial adaptation 3) Native adaptation 4) Rejection and 5) Rebellion. All strategies are described.

On this basis and using empirical data (25 depth interviews, analysis Czech and Russian mass media, internal observation), five types of Russian identity in the Czech Republic have been preliminarily determined. According to the researcher, the following types exist in the form of intellectual constructions: Global Russian, Limited Russian, Conservative Russian, Russian less and Rebellion.

A comparative analysis was applied to the results obtained. Were compared the strength/weakness of Russian identity and the strength/weakness of choice of adaptation strategy.

When considering the types of Russian national identity discovered, both the external factor - stigmatization on the part of the Czech society, and the internal factor - the civilizational characteristics of the Russian people as 1) the ability to adapt to circumstances, 2) the formation of original identity in a multinational and multi-confessional society and 3) the ability to live under pressure are taken into account. Besides, possible transitions between different types of identity are considered and described.

Seven possible options found. Conclusions are drawn about the quantitative transition of migrants to a qualitative state (acquisition of Czech citizenship).

The researcher reckons, that Merton's Theory of Anomie-and-Opportunity-Structures, with bear in mind external and internal factors, is one of the possibilities approaches to explain a sophisticated phenomenon as the Russians abroad Russia, exactly their national identity.