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Nutrition habits and preferences in people with various time from spinal cord injury

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The aim of this study was to evaluate nutritional habits and food preferences in people with different spinal cord injury (SCI) times. A total of 36 probands with traumatic spinal cord lesions aged 18-55 years (n1 = 16 men, C4 - L2 lesions, lesion duration 3-5 years; n2 = 20 men, C5 - L1 lesions, lesion duration from 5 years) were included in the study. and more).

To evaluate nutritional habits, a food-frequency questionnaire for the SURVEY program was used (evaluation of portion sizes of food consumed and frequency of consumption of different food groups. In contrast, probands with longer spinal cord lesions (n2) significantly more often preferred vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat, sugar and sweets in their diet.