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Labor Law at the Doorstep of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Publication at Faculty of Law |


Czech labor law provides specific general starting points for the introduction of flexible forms of dependent work. In the last decade, however, due to the electronification and globalization of work processes, such significant changes have taken place that current traditional models of these flexible forms prove incompatible with current trends and needs.

Globally, these technologies and the regulation itself are changing the paradigm of the workforce, including declining traditional forms of employment and increasing alternative working hours through new technologies and so-called digital work platforms whose disruptive business models (such as Uber, Airbnb, Upwork, or Taskrabbit) create substantial imbalances in social and legal protection and lead to changes in the conditions and nature of work. Therefore, in addition to a general analysis of the conditions under which these platforms operate, this article also covers considerations for future regulation, including reflection at the level of EU law.

The evaluation of related strategy papers, whether national or European, is not left out of these considerations, including partial considerations concerning some related aspects of the relationship between work and current technologies.