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ergotism iN the Past. the role oF ergot duriNg the Witch-huNts aNd its use iN the mediciNe iN 19th ceNtury

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The main aim of this article is to present the role ergot (as the cause of ergotism) has had in the past. This article will characterize ergotism and describe the historical context of the illness.

In the first part we focus on the general characteristics of the ergot poisoning and its symptoms on man. Both forms of ergotism (convulsive and gangrenous) will be characterized.

Based on the actual research in the field we will review the role of ergotism during the witch-hunts in early modern period. Second part of the article shows the different approaches of how the ergot was used in medicine and pharmacy in nineteenth century.

The research is based on the contemporary articles in scientific magazines published in Czech lands, specifically Časopis lékařú českých, Zdravotnický věstník and Časopis českého lékarnictva. The article will show which effects the doctors in nineteenth century have thought the ergotism has, if they used it as the medicament and what other ways of use there were.