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Why, when and how to prevent the progression of chronic venous disease

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Chronic venous disease (CVD) is charakterized not only by high prevalence, but also by a progressive nature of the disease. Demonstration of the key role of venous wall inflamation in the pathophysiology of the disease also identified another suitable localization of treatment targets.

Trying to slow down the disease progression to higher stages begin with early identification of patients, continue with propre diagnosis and early initiation of adequate treatment. Therapeutic interventions do not only include the solution of visible signs of CVD (eg varices), they mainly include procedures to influence the focus of the pathophysiology of CVD - ie suppression of inflammation of the venous wall.

The report evaluates patients' compliance with individual therapeutic methods, summarizes the effects of drug treatment and reveals the protective role of flavonoids in both macrocirculation and microcirculation. The use of venopharmaceuticals with the highest degree of recommendation not only delays the progression of the disease, but also increases the patient's quality of life.