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Current situation in fighting HPV infection

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Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are the most significant causative factor in the development of cervical cancer as well as other malignant and benign lesions of the female and male genital organs and, in part, of other transition zones between squamous and columnar epithelia. Prevention of acquiring this infection ultimately results in primary prevention of all these lesions.

Primary prevention by means of vaccination with quadrivalent, bivalent, and, most recently, nonavalent HPV vaccine exhibits high efficacy against the types of HPV included as well as excellent safety. Moreover, population-based data show a reduction in HPV-associated lesions after vaccination initiation.

Two-dose schedules, provision of partial reimbursement for the nonavalent vaccine, and gender equalization of boys might help achieve a higher coverage of the target population in the Czech Republic.