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Pain and its new definition

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Pain management-algesiology is a medical speciality that deals with the basic problem for which the patient comes to the doctor - pain. A clear definition and explanation of the term pain is essential for all medical disciplines.

The definition of pain was modified this year on the basis of new findings. New theories about the role of the CNS in pain perception as well as newly established pathophysiological concepts such as neuromatrix and nociplastic type of pain contributed to the new formulation of the definition.

Due to the growing importance of chronic pain in the increase of its incidence in the population and in view of new knowledge, the multidisciplinary concept is increasingly being promoted as the basis for the treatment of chronic pain, despite the rapid development of technologies focused only on invasive treatment and surgical procedures in pain management. However, these procedures are often based only on peripheral mechanisms in the onset and progression of pain.