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Lower-Limb Lymphedema after Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Cervical Cancer Patients

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, First Faculty of Medicine |


Lower-limb lymphedema (LLL) is a well-recognized adverse outcome of the surgical management of cervical cancer. Recently, sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy has emerged as an alternative procedure to systematic pelvic lymphadenectomy (PLND) aiming to decrease the risk of complications, especially LLL development.

Our study represents the first prospective analysis of LLL incidence in cervical cancer patients after a uterine procedure with SLN biopsy, without systematic PLND. In an international multicenter trial SENTIX, the group of 150 patients was prospectively evaluated using both objective and subjective LLL assessments in 6 months intervals for 2 years.

Contrary to the expectations, our results showed that SLN biopsy does not eliminate the risk of LLL development which occurred in a mild or moderate stage in about 26% of patients with a median interval to the onset of 9 months.