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A unique project of memory examination for early detection of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive disorders of various etiology in Czech pharmacies

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


With an increasing proportion of the aging population, there is an increase in the elderly with memory disorders, which may be the first sign of Alzheimer's disease, but also a number of other serious brain diseases. Early diagnosis of their proper cause can lead to the initiation of effective therapy.

The aim of the pharmacy memory examination project is the early detection of patients with suspected cognitive impairment, ideally in the stage of mild cognitive impairment, but also in the more advanced stages of dementia. Through this activity, pharmacists, as healthcare professionals, significantly expand the availability of preventive examinations for patients and, in addition, play an important role in the education and awareness of society.

Rapid innovative and original Czech tests are used to examine memory in pharmacies - Amnesia Light and Brief Assessment (ALBA) and Naming images and their equipment (POBAV), as well as the Functional Status Questionnaire (FAQ-CZ) and Depression Scale for Geriatric Patients (GDS). If a memory or mood is impaired, the pharmacist sends the person to be examined for medical diagnosis.

The pharmacist can provide the physician with the first valuable assessment of the patient's mental state. At other times, he may reassure the subject that his memory functions are age-appropriate.

Memory examinations throughout the Czech Republic are provided by certified and properly trained pharmacists, graduates of the specialized course of the Czech Chamber of Pharmacists and other advanced garanteed trainings. It is a unique activity on a global scale.

New and motivated pharmacists can still join the project after completing this course.