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Turkish Collective Imaginaries After the Influence of Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


After the results of local elections in 2019, the world started talks about the end of Erdogan's era. We can find some important changes of R.

T Erdogan and AKP's positions within Turkish society and also the changes within AKP itself. But is it the end of Erdogan's period? When the influence of R.

T. Erdogan on Turkey comes to the end and is it connected with his remaining in the position of the head of Turkey? Although journalist analysis and academic research are focused more on his foreign policy, R.

T. Erdogan have spent last years with ideological, political and cultural reform processes of Turkish society.

Due to these steps, today's society is different from the Turkish society of the 20th century and this transformation has not finished yet. Erdogan's usage of the Ottoman past and understanding of being Turk have boosted traditional, conservative and nationalistic parts of Turkish identity, changed the meaning of Kemalist principles and understanding how Turks see their position in the world.

The main objective of this presentation is to show how the political discourse and political steps of R. T.

Erdogan have changed during the 21st century and how could be these changes reflected in the identity of Turkish society today. The main argument is that even if today's political position of Erdogan could be weaker than years before, his social or ideological position in Turkish collective imaginaries would remain strong in the near future.

The presentation will summarize the main ideas Erdogan has put into the Turkish thinking to broaden the views of how we can understand the future of Turkish society in the potential post-Erdogan era.