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Low birth weight, prematurity and chronic kidney disease

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Advances in neonatal care in recent decades have led to a significant decline in neonatal mortality. At the same time, however, more children are being born with shorter gestation times and low birth weights.

However, prematurity is associated with early complications after childbirth (necrotizing enterocolitis, retinopathy of prematurity, and others). The association between low birth weight and the development of metabolic syndrome, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, osteoporosis and cardiovascular complications in later life has been described several decades ago.

These diseases occur significantly more frequently in low birth weight adults than in normal birth weight individuals. Some works study the effect of prematurity on the cardiovascular system in childhood.

The aim of this communication is to acquaint the reader with the late risks of low birth weight, and especially to draw attention to the need for early monitoring of patients with a risky history of perinatal.