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Muzejní didaktika a výuka chemie jako všeobecně-vzdělávacího předmětu - z analýzy výzkumných studií

Publikace na Pedagogická fakulta |


In science education not enough attention is paid to museum didactics. It's a problem in practical teaching and teacher training, too.

Many pupils and students don't like science and chemistry, too, and museums can help make it more attractive for them. We aren't used to this potential of museums, although actual curricular policy offers a lot of options for including them in school education program.

The main goal of the dissertation project is to analyse the possibilities and limits of the use of museum exhibits in the teaching of chemistry as a general educational subject at secondary schools. In the first phase of the research, a literature search was realized.

The search is focused on museum didactics and a science and especially chemical education. Specialized, research oriented, publications over the last twenty years are selected.

The results of the content analyses of these publications will be used for determination to the research design of the dissertation project.