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Poison and Covid Period

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In recent years, there has been a significant increase in interest in healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. Our civilization is moving in a runaway train that cannot be stopped.

Despite hundreds of scientific and clinical studies on the harmfulness of aspartame, this artificial sweetener is still used in thousands of foods and medicines, and is recommended for diabetics instead of sugar. Stopping its production would cause an economic crisis of unimaginable proportions, and the situation is similar with the production of many other chemicals that surround us in everyday life.

We live in a time of poison! At the end of 2019, no one knew that the hitherto unknown coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 would appear and cause the epidemic disease COVID-19, which would affect the whole world. The covidu-19 pandemic has attracted more attention than, for example, the dreaded infectious diseases such as polio, cholera, Spanish flu and Ebola.

It quickly became the focus of society around the world. Even at the beginning of 2021, the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is still a great unknown to scientists.

COVID-19 mobilized scientists around the world extremely quickly and contributed to the integration not only of the biological disciplines and clinical medicine, but also to the interconnection of the biological and social aspects of medicine. We are witnessing that politics has also become medicine on a large scale, and politicians are acting as "experts" in the fight against a pandemic.

Medicine still does not have an officially recognized drug for COVID-19. Of course, politicians, health professionals and a large part of the public expect that globally it will be possible to stop COVID-19 by vaccination.

However, no one dares to estimate how effective the vaccines will be and when the pandemic will be stopped. Vaccines were developed in an unusually short time, and although vaccination machines are being launched in many countries with great media interest, many do not trust vaccines.