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Keyword valence in Czech ideological texts of 1950s. Korean war in eyes of ideology

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The following article is a brief introduction to a linguistic study of propagandistic language. In my conception ,,Korean War" is a system of means of expression, a system of signs.

It can be observed directly through newspapers and literary works from 1950s. The main intent of my research is to refigure the then Korean war image given by ideologically tinged literary production that depicted Korean war by lin guistic methods esp. by searching the common and dynamic semantic motives and normatives.

The main topic in the presented analysis is the question of nature of productive models and patterns in creating fictional manifestation of this war and the character of aggressor (and semantic configurations of aggression) as the most dynamic signify ing element. I will discuss in successive steps subject matter of an act of agression and its resources.

As sample texts, there are works such as Amer ická agrese v Koreji, a unique collection of texts for children: Češti spisovatelé korejským dětem, periodicals Filmový přehled, Lidové noviny, Mladá fronta, Severočeská Mladá fronta, Pravda, Naše pravda, Průboj, Pochodeň, Rudé právo, Literární noviny a Zdravotnické listy. These periodicals manifest the main ideological discourse and provide official government viewpoint of the whole issue.