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100 Years of Ruch filosofický



Ruch filosofický (The Uproar Philosophical) was the most influential philosophical journal of Czechoslovak inter-war and early Second World War era published between 1921 and 1942. Eight panels of lectures of the five days conference offered topic like Readers Culture, Socialist Movement, Women Movement, Czech Philosophy, Slavic Philosophy, Between Physics and Philosophy, Religion Poverty or Spiritism, Occultism and Mysticism, presented by international presenters.

The goal of the conference was to adress the main problems of philosophy of the First Czechoslovak Republic as reflected in the Ruch filosofický journal. Rich accompanying program including theatrical performance of Ladislav Klíma's puppet play "Dios" a many contextual lectures of guest presenters was included.

The conference was the first one which took place as both live act and hybrid/streamed event in the Faculty of Humanities history which allowed the live appearence of quests from the abroad and live streaming for online participants.