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Manuscripted copies of Johann ChristopfMüller's Large and medium map of the Czech Kingdom in Map collection of Faculty of Science at Charles University

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Müller's large map of Czechia titled MAPPA GEOGRAPHICA REGNI BOHEMIAE... (1722) was in high demand, expensive and not easily accessible for both soldiers and layman, even more so after rumor of destruction of the original printing plates was spread. For that reason, handwritten copies were made of not only large but also medium map with modified name MAPPA CHOROGRAPHICA novissima et completissima TOTIUS REGNI BOHEMIAE... by J.

W. Wieland (1726, 1751).

Two of these originals were preserved in Map collection of Charles University. First large map is conceived on 30 sheets instead of former 25 map sections.

Opening map section with view of Prague Castle was not preserved. Title was divided into two map sections.

On the lower end of one section was discovered notes to settlement statistics taken from Land tables (1695). Map was put together by folding 5 x 6 sheets by an unknown author.

Handmade paper contains still unknown version of a filigree of apostle St. Peter from Dušníky paper mill in Kladsko region.

The copy was reduced by approx. 10 cm on both sides. The scale was preliminarily determined to be 1 : 137 000.

Parerg part is masterful variation on Reiner's. It is assumed to be student work of aristocratic students.

Second remarkable document is handwritten copy of Wieland's alteration of Müller's map of Czechia. The author this time abided by the original layout into 25 map sections.

Work was enlarged compared to the original by 35 cm on each axis. Scale was recalculated to be 1 : 184 000.

Map was continually revised and supplemented. Model for accompanying decoration was, as with the original work, original drawings by Václav Vavřinec Reiner, in this case however clumsily reproduced.

Map is very worn-out, therefore it was most probably used as working military map. Both manuscripts will be introduced to the public in detail.