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Problematics of suicide from the position of J. G. Herder

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"Problematics of suicide from the position of J. G.

Herder." In my article I want to take a problem of suicide and interpret it by a specific optic of J. G.

Herder. My investigation of this phenomenon claims to show how interesting is thinking about suicide for the whole Herder's conception of humanity.

The very important term here is absolutely the term of a story. Because the story is here what permits us to commit a suicide.

The man seen through Herder's eyes learns only by an emulation. Emulated concept of action he applies to the reality just when conditions of the particular action are present.

On the other hand just the fact that this story about suicide exists shows a man much more confirmed in his own humanity. This story is here taken as an evidence that the human may somehow "act to the death".

So human may love to the death, hate to the death, desperated to the death etc. And this is a significant difference between a human and an animal which can't do either of those.

And by Herder in this difference is hidden some kind of our humanity. In the end I'll try to show some more inquiry emerging with the theme.

For example if human learn only by an emulation then there had to be some "first" suicide which created a story about it.