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Týn court from the point of view of archeology

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Archeology was an integral part of the knowledge of the Týn court or Ungelt in the 1980s. An experienced team of archaeologists across Prague institutions led by PhDr.

Ladislav Hrdlička managed to erode his oldest settlement phase. In all probability, it was a princely "customs house or a commercial court" at the main Prague market - today's Old Town Square.

The origins, thanks to findings from archaeological excavations, date to the first half of the 12th century. Over the centuries, the court has expanded, both in construction and in the reflection of written sources (newly granted commercial rights).

At the end of the High Middle Ages (end of the 15th century), its space was creeping privatized by the Old Town village or individual townspeople. Finally, in the modern age (17th - 19th century) there is nothing left of its function as a trading point.