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Sprechende Namen in der antiken Literatur

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


I took part at the international conference Sprechende Namen in der antiken Literatur held in Prague at 22.-24. September 2021, where I presented my paper with the title "Anatolian Anthroponyms in Light of Language Contact".

This paper was devoted to Anatolian Anthroponymy with special respect to language contact. The aim of the paper was to bring all data from various scientific fields (history, archaeology, linguistics) and to present a coherent picture of the structure of the naming processes and practices from the very early stages of the attestation of Anatolian languages such as Hittite to subsequent chronological stages.

This conference offered also a welcoming opportunity to get to know many new colleagues from different countries and universities and to discuss with them the peculiarities of various subjects from the sphere of onomastics and historical linguistics.