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Jumping to conclusions in psychotic disorders: a narrative review

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This narrative review describes the most frequently investigated cognitive bias in psychosis - jumping to conclusions. This bias refers to deviance in reasoning, when person reach to the conclusion on the basis of little evidence than it is usual.

Experimental studies describe presence of the bias across all psychotic continuum. Jumping to conclusions is most frequently studied in associations with delusions, there are discrepancies between results from metaanalyses and longitudinal studies about the nature of relationship between those two phenomena.

Relationship between cognition and this bias remains also unclear. Methodology of measuring this bias is very fragmented, which brings o lots of problems descibed in the article.

Last part is dedicated to posibilities and efectivity of metacognitive training, which could lead to decrease in jumping to conclusion and potentially nonfarmacologicaly influence delusion and other positive symptoms.