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Gestures in communication of persons with diagnosed aphasia

Publication at Faculty of Education |


In this book, I deal with gestures by participants with aphasia in contrast to gestures by people without aphasia with the focus on symptoms of aphasia related to production of different quantity and types of gestures. First of all, I introduce historical background of gesture research and in relation to gestures-speech interface, also involving notes about sign language research.

Then I introduce different systems of gestures classification with the focus on Hogrefe's classification chosen for my work. In the next chapter I describe how Czech grammar handbooks and other linguistic handbooks deal with nonverbal signals, particularly gestures and mime in general and also in relation to gestures-speech interface.

Then I introduce the concept of multimodality and mention some of important works in this field particularly of German and Czech origin and also construction grammar as the more adequate tool for the description of verbal and non-nerval elements simultaneously. In the next chapter, aphasia is described as a neurological disease caused by brain damage; different types of aphasia and their basic symptoms are also described.

In chapter 5, I introduce researches of gestures and speech relationship by aphasic people when speakers of different languages were explored by different methods.