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Anthropology of pregnancy and birth : student conference



Student conference in the field of anthropology and sociology of pregnancy and childbirth, postponed in the previous period due to anti-covid regulations applied by the Czech government. It was an inter-university meeting and sharing of the research of participants, mainly from FHS and FF UK in Prague and from the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.

The research activities of the participants focus, for example, on the concept of "the physiological" within the concept of so-called physiological childbirth in the Czech Republic; physiological and cultural attributes and the boundaries or "boundaries" between them in childbirth in a transcultural perspective (a view from London); how various socioeconomic factors affect and co-create women's pregnancies in Lima, Peru; the concept of corporeality and pain at childbirth and the physiological versus cultural pain of the women giving birth; the concept of authoritative knowledge in the Czech obstetric practice: what is meant by that and where and how, or differences and nuances of its application; the establishment of the authoritative obstetric knowledge in the study of midwifery in the Czech Republic, etc. Some of the participants already presented their findings in 2020 and 2021 in the seminars at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University led by doc.

Horský, who is a great supporter of ethnographic activities in the field of pregnancy and childbirth, and also, for example, at the CASA biannual anthropological conference in April 2021.