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Abortion in Lima, Peru

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


I am now dealing with the topic of abortion in Lima, Peru: its quantitative, socioeconomic, legal, Catholicized/religionized aspects, illegalized abortion as a taboo, stigma, abandonment of women, a public health problem, and an institutionalized form of abuse of women, sexual and reproductive justice, abortion as a means of crime reduction, the innocent baby-fetus and fetal personhood, the beginning of human life, individual integrity and responsibility, reproductive governance, maternal body ownership, trauma of unwanted pregnancy/parenthood, the absence of the man (the father?) in abortion discourse, motherhood as a punishment. For my presentation, I selected the following subjects: shared reproductive moral economy; an innocent child, a gift of God, a god as the cause of a woman's pregnancy (pregnancy as the will of God); "it's not your body" (one of the main local anti-abortion arguments); parenthood as property towards the child -- the child as the property of the parent; "it's only nine months in her body and her life" (inability to see the broader context of pregnancy and childbirth in the trajectory of a woman's life); privatized responsibility, the absence of men in the abortion discourse, and the lack of prevention of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies.