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Envisioning an Empire: Dugin's Neo-Eurasianism as Geostrategic Culture

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This chapter presents an overview of Neo-Eurasianism by testing the argument that Neo-Eurasianism is an ideology and a geostrategic plan of global dimensions. Ideologically, Neo-Eurasianism constitutes an amalgam of incoherent ideological streams that can be located in the leftist spectrum.

Strategically, Neo-Eurasianism has the ambition of re-creating a Eurasian empire under Russian hegemony, with the final revolutionary mission of restructuring the entire international system. Whereas the official objective of Neo-Eurasianism is to produce a "multipolar world," this research piece demonstrates that an oligarchic-global order is the real objective at stake.

By shedding light upon the ideological and strategic aspects of Neo-Eurasianism, the chapter also explains the relations between Neo-Eurasianism and conceptions of Russian history, Christianity, Conservatism, and science (the geopolitical approach), having concluded that Neo-Eurasianism can be labeled an outcome of a revolutionary mentality.