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Current Populism in Europe: Gender-Backlash and Counter-strategies

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Populism is generally perceived as a negative political phenomenon. However, we need to be careful and distinguish between parties and movements which are exclusively populist and those which are not.

We can define non-exclusive populism as the occasional populist style of parties which are not fundamentally populist and represent "traditional" political ideologies or doctrines. For exclusively populist parties or movements, populism is the essence of their existence and of all their activities.

This exclusive populism is illiberal, anti-democratic, anti-gender and epitomizes a negative political phenomenon. The non-exclusive populism of non-populist parties is not necessarily something we need to worry about.

There is also not much which can be about it since non-exclusive populism is an ordinary part of politics. As we argue in the book, focus should be on exclusively populist politicians and their parties and movements.