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Functional breath tests - non-invasive diagnostics in gastroenterology

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Non-invasive methods with the analysis of exhaled air offer a very wide application in clinical biochemistry, which are currently not sufficiently used. More than 8,500 publications are listed in the NLM Pubmed database, and more than 40 13C-labeled substrates are described for stable 13C carbon isotope methods.

In our clinical practice, hydrogen breath tests are indicated, in the case of 13C-carbon, our laboratories offer the detection of Helicobacter pylori with 13C-urea and the exocrine pancreas test with 13C-mixed triglycerides. Exceptionally, tests with 13C-octanoate or 13C-methionine are used.

No laboratory offers a 13C-glucose test for screening for prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. The analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOC) is currently the subject of research projects.

With the development of new technologies, mass spectrometry analysis with selective, specific nanochip-based sensors, higher use of non-invasive breath tests can be expected in the near future.