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Activation of Pupils with Special Educational Needs in the Teaching of Chemistry at Primary School



The problems of pupils with special educational needs, such as ADHD, concerns their chronic deficit, which causes various impairments in the skills necessary for learning, behavior and education. This deficit must be accurately described and characterized.

Based on the findings of the teacher and in cooperation with the family and the pedagogical-psychological advisory, the relevant case study will be prepared. In this article we deal with the issue of using case studies of specific pupils with special educational needs (SVP) to create scenarios for inclusive teaching of chemistry in a heterogeneous primary school.

An essential principle in creating scenarios is to focus on motivating pupils with SVP and other pupils. For the creation of teaching scenarios, we also used the results of a survey of chemistry teachers, focused on the application of methods and organizational forms of teaching in inclusive education.

The process of activating pupils, depending of whether they are pupils with SVP or not, should first be based on precise pedagogical and psychological diagnostics, and on this basis we can decide the activating teaching methods and iniciate closer cooperation between pupils, teachers, school and family. pupil with special educational needs, elementary school, activation