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Screen use by parents and their childs

Publication at Faculty of Education |


This modern age is typical of its fast technology development, digital media make our world more effective but it is not without negative consequences. The modern problems are intrusive screen use, digital addiction by parents and their childs or deterioration of mental health (depression, insomnia, inattention, stres).

In this short article we show data from project of dr. Lukavska (GAČR 21-31474S), which show us that smartphone or tablet and television are most used digital media by children on the other hand game console and PC are less used.

And also, that we can't confirmed predicted relationship between parental use of screens and child use of screens, maybe due to small number of parents in our sample, who problematically used digital media. It suggests that using of digital media we have to percieve as a complex model, which is contructed of more factors like family SES, family intactness, number of siblings or child's age.

This topic is needs to be researched from multiple perspectives for future limitation of these newage digital risks.