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Monitoring the knowledge of a selected group of students of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in the field of addictology and addiction prevention

Publication at Faculty of Education |


It is essential that every teaching worker has at least a basic knowledge of risky behaviour, including prevention of addiction. The paper seeks to map the basic knowledge of a selected group of bachelor's degree students from the Faculty of Education of the UK in the field of primary prevention and addictology.

The questionnaire enquiry is attended by 180 students of the third year. The questionnaire contained 13 closed questions and one open question.

The questionnaire was submitted during the first hours of a seminar on addiction prevention. Students were most likely to err on issues related to effective primary prevention, school documents related to addiction prevention, and in terms describing addiction syndrome.

The expected outcome of long-term research is to improve the quality of studies, including in the prevention of addictions and other forms of risky behaviour.