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Synthesis and Reactivity of Multinuclear Gold Complexes with (Diphenylphosphanyl)ferrocene and Oxygen Ligands

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Au(I) complexes combining hard oxygen and soft (diphenylphosphanyl)ferrocene (L) ligands in their molecules were synthesized, viz. the gold hydroxides [Au(OH)(L-κP)] (5) and [{Au(L-κP)}(2)(μ-OH)][BF4] (4), and the oxonium cluster [{Au(L-κP)}(3)(μ(3)-O)][BF4] (1). In-situ auration of 1 produced [{Au(L-κP)}(4)(μ(4)-O)][BF4](2) (2), which spontaneously converted into a dimeric tetragold complex featuring bridging phosphanylferrocenyl groups geminally diaurated in position 2 of the ferrocene scaffold.

The same complex and its isomer incorporating ferrocene-1,1'-diyl bridges resulted similarly from 4. Upon crystallization, compound 5 underwent a redox reaction, producing a structurally unique, crown-like, mixed-valent Au(0)/Au(I) cluster, [Au(7)(L-κP)(6)]OH.

Compounds 1 and 5 were used to prepare the analogous, N-bridged complexes, [{Au(L-κP)}(3)(μ(3)-NFc)][BF4] (Fc=ferrocenyl) and [{Au(L-κP)}(4)(μ(4)-N)][BF4]. The compounds were structurally characterized and further studied by DFT calculations.