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Hydrophilic polymer embolization as an iatrogenic complication of endovascular interventions - a new entity

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Iatrogenic hydrophilic polymer embolization (HPE) is an underrecognised complication of endovascular procedures. In certain instances, HPE and related complications may lead to patiens death.

Incidence of this phenomenon is not known. We evaluated retrospectively all autopsies of patients with a history of endovascular intervention performed by one pathology resident during a period of 8 months.

There were 10 cases, which were examined histochemically and in polarized light. We detected HPE in 2 of the 10 cases.

In both cases the involved organ were lungs. Hydrophilic polymer embolization is a potential and easy-to-miss complication of endovascular procedures.

It must be considered during histological examination of autoptic material.