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Citizenship education for the 21st century: the climate crisis, inequalities and politics

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The aim of this paper is to present how the Department of Civics and Philosophy is addressing the issues of today's world in the teaching of future teachers of civics and social studies. The first part of the paper will be devoted to introducing the main problems and challenges of today's world in the political, economic and social spheres.

Particular attention will be paid to the dynamics in the political sphere (technocracy, plebiscitaryism, populism), changes in society (increase in inequalities, poverty and the role of elites) and especially the social consequences of climate change. The second part of the paper will focus on a brief introduction to how the reaccredited study programmes of the Department of Civics and Philosophy respond to these challenges, which at the same time maintain an interdisciplinary approach in the investigation of the above-mentioned phenomena and draw on the plurality of paradigms of social sciences and philosophy.

As the paper will also show, the unifying value field of the department includes, among others, basic respect for life, recognition of the democratic rule of law, inclusion of the excluded, or humanism.