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Comparison of balance abilities between artistic and teamgym gymnast

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Balance and postural control are essential abilities in gymnastic activities. Women's artistic gymnastics and TeamGym are both gymnastic sports with relatively similar content of the demanded performance.

Objective: This research aims to compare balance abilities in selected tests between artistic and TeamGym gymnasts. Subsequently, we sought to verify the typical interventional program's influence to balance abilities development on a balance beam for TeamGym gymnasts.

Methods: Field tests were chosen for data acquisition: stand on a dominant and non-dominant limb with closed and open eyes, walking back on balance beam and bench, jumps to balance position (track). Furthermore, a questionnaire survey was used.

The obtained data were evaluatedby Wilcoxon tests for two dependent and independent samples, correlation analysis, and materiality investigation for non-parametric data and means of descriptive statistics. The data were also examined in terms of the percentages of the achieved maximal values.

The intervention method was chosen to verify the influence of the exercises on the balance beam. Results: The relationship of the direct proportion between age and performance in walking back on bench and track test was confirmed, and between height and performance in stand-up tests and track run was confirmed.

In addition, a better level of balance skills in Women's artistic gymnasts was demonstrated compared to TeamGym gymnasts. Positive effects of a 14-day pause on the dominant leg'sperformance with the eyes open in the intervention group and the walk and bench tests on the control group were proved.

There was no evidence of the effect of the interventional program. Conclusion: Artistic gymnasts showed relatively better results.

Based on the given results specific artistic gymnastics' training could be an appropriate method for improving balance in TeamGym gymnasts.