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Senior Lecturer Josef Matoušek and His Research and Political Activities

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The first part of the paper is devoted to an expert activity of Josef Matoušek in the field of research. It reveals a view of the development of his expert interests in the context of studies and work activities.

It presents individual topics that Matoušek devoted his attention to and also Matoušek's main works, whether published or not realized due to his premature death. Josef Matoušek's professional activity was practically stopped by his decision to fully enter the political life of the newly formed Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

The second part of the paper is therefore devoted to his political activities from the early years until the period after 15 March 1939, when he was appointed by the President of the State Emil Hácha to the Committee of the National Liability (Výbor Národního Souručenství), where he was a member of the Commission for Youth and Physical Education. As part of this, he maintained active contacts with representatives of Czech students.

Together with some of them, he was executed by the Nazis on 17 November 1939 during the persecution of the Czech universities.