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Kinematic analysis and head injury criterion in a pedestrian collision with a tram at the speed of 10 and 20 km.h-

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The issue of analysis of accidents in relation to public transport rail vehicles is currently high accentuated issues. There are several main risk factors.

Alcohol consumption and frequent mobile use Phones during high-risk situations have long been known elements contributing to the reduced attention of pedestrians. In addition, each deduction represents a significant economic loss for the transport undertaking, as it must, inter alia, provide a replacement passenger transport; including passengers of other trams traveling on the track where the accident took place.

In an effort to reduce In view of the risk of pedestrian injuries, adequate design attention should be paid to the design of tram fronts optimal forehead shape. The right shape and materials can minimize the consequences of pedestrian contact with the vehicle and its possible retraction under the vehicle.

In order for the face to be tested and optimized, it must be a developed and validated pedestrian model with which it will be possible to perform calculations already during the design. From the historical In this respect, no significant attention was paid to crash tests and pedestrian protection.

It should also exist methodology of data collection and their evaluation across transport companies. The data collected within the Czech Republic are inconsistent and poorly analyzable.

At the beginning of our research, we addressed the question of which configuration of the dummy to the tram is most suitable for our crash tests.