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Magnetization reversal in NdMn0.8Fe0.2O3 single

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The magnetization reversal process is an intrinsic property of NdMn0.8Fe0.2O3 single crystal below T-N = 59.5 K for magnetization field-cooled regime. The phenomenon is very anisotropic and a negative magnetization was observed below the compensation temperature T-Comp = 21.7(1) K; 25.9(1) K and 22.7(1) K for a-; b- and c-axis and field 0.01 T.

Magnetocrystalline anisotropy results in different shape of hysteresis loop for any crystallographic orientation below T-N. Ferromagnetic behavior, attributed to ordering of Nd sublattice, with coercive field of 1.32 T at temperature T = 2 K is typical for magnetic field applied along b-axis.

Signature of ferromagnetic ordering exists even at 30 K. Very low hysteresis was observed in a-c plane and the a-axis magnetization loop has butterfly shape.

A model of two Nd and Mn interpenetrating magnetic sublattices describes magnetization reversal better than a cluster model.