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Parental Technoference and it's link to sociodemographic variables

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Education, First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Arts |


The presentation was focused on relation between parental Technoference and sociodemographic variables as a: parental education, parental gender, family income, child's position among siblings and child's class/grade. This relations were investigated on a sample of parents from Czechia, Slovakia and Finnland during the end of second wave of Covid-19 pandemic.

The results showed us significant differences between a few subgroups of each variable, but it is important to note that our sample had: 1) much more mothers than fathers as a respondents, 2) almost half of the parents has a university degree and 3) more than third of parents came from middle-high income families. Also we have to count with a Covid-19 bias, mainly for czech parent (in Czechia schools were closed for the longest time).

One of the main predictor of Technoference is parent-child face to face interaction, however our results suggest, that the parents spend less time with their children as they become older and older.