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"Make them come in, so that my house may be filled." (Lk 14:23): The church (=building) as a Chance

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


"Make them come in, so that my house may be filled." (Lk 14:23): The church (=building) as a Chance. Church pedagogy aims at acquainting various groups of people (respecting their ages or interests) with the inside of the church by means of holistic and experiential learning.

Other aims include: Perceiving the church as a place for religious studies; enabling people enter into dialogue with the religious tradition through the church building, through meetings in it and through experience; teaching the Christian alphabet by reading the church inside; discovering the church using all senses; making oneself at home in the church. Church pedagogy may be one of the methods which Churches can use to translate the Christian faith to their contemporaries in the present multicultural society.