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Czech National awakening at the turn of the 19th and 20th century seen through Finnish eyes

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Finns, in a very similar way to Czechs, went through a process of national emancipation during the 19th century. It is no coincidence that the leaders of the Finnish national movement were aware of the parallel with the Czech situation.

Several of the prominent Fennomans as J. V.

Snellmann, A. Ahlqvist, A.

Almberg or Y. S.

Yrjö-Koskinen visited the Bohemian lands or addressed them in their works. A special case was that of J.

J. Mikkola, professor of Slavic studies at the University of Helsinki, who devoted his works to Czech history, language and culture to a degree at that time unprecedented.

We can also find the name of T. G.

Masaryk, who was highly appreciated for his personality and political philosophy, in Mikkola's work.