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Kateřina BOBKOVÁ-VALENTOVÁ - Petra HNILICOVÁ (edd.), Telč and Jesuits. The order and its benefactors (exhibition catalogue), Telč 2020; Kateřina BOBKOVÁ-VALENTOVÁ - Jarmila HLAVÁČKOVÁ - Hedvika KUCHAŘOVÁ (edd.), Telč College Library (exhibition catalogue), Prague 2020

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Review of the books of Kateřina BOBKOVÁ-VALENTOVÁ - Petra HNILICOVÁ (edd.), Telč and Jesuits. The order and its benefactors (exhibition catalogue), Telč 2020; Kateřina BOBKOVÁ-VALENTOVÁ - Jarmila HLAVÁČKOVÁ - Hedvika KUCHAŘOVÁ (edd.), Telč College Library (exhibition catalogue), Prague 2020.