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Julius Francis of Saxe-Lauenburg and Anna Maria Franziska of Saxe-Lauenburg as Benefactors of the Capuchin Monastery in Zákupy

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This article covers the relationship between the Capuchin monks in Zákupy and the Saxe-Lauenburg family on the basis of sources not yet used in this regard from the National Archive in Prague, the State District Archive in Litoměřice and the Capuchin Provincial Library in Prague. Particular attention is devoted to the Capuchin monastery being founded in Zákupy by Julius Francis of Saxe-Lauenberg (1641-1689) and his subsequent support for this monastery through generous in-kind donations, as well as the provision of furnishings for the monastery church.

It also describes the charitable work of his daughter, Anna Maria Francizka of Saxe-Launberg (1672-1741), ranging from renovation work on the monastery to increasing the in-kind donations for the local Capuchin monks to acquiring relics of catacomb saints for the monastery church. The article also follows the "spiritual care" of the two members of the Saxe-Lauenberg family in question, which was provided by the Capuchin monks, whether in the form of confession or serving requiem masses.