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Analysis of the Exhibitions Created in Czech Open Source Software INDIHU Exhibition

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Since the spring 2020 we are dealing with covid-19 pandemic and repeated closure of cultural institutions. Online environment became almost the only space where museums, galleries and other institutions could interact with visitors and fulfil their institutional goals.

In Czech republic the start of the pandemic overlapped with deployment of the online application INDIHU Exhibition which allows to create multimedia virtual exhibitions. The tool was developed during 2016-2020 in the five year long project "INDIHU - Development tools and infrastructure for digital humanities" and reduces technical demands on its users.

The usage and deployment was accelerated by the pandemic because the need to engage with visitors online got more intensive. This paper analyses 189 virtual exhibitions created so far.

Even though the digital environment allows to combine and modify different types of content, this study shows that exhibition authors follow established procedures and prefer basic content instead of interactive and more complex components.