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Lack of Excitation Energy Transfer from the Bacteriochlorophyll Soret Band to Carotenoids in Photosynthetic Complexes of Purple Bacteria

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The excitation energy transfer (EET) from the bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) Soret band to the second excited state(s) (S-2) of carotenoids in pigmentprotein complexes of purple bacteria was investigated. The efficiency of EET was determined, based on fluorescence excitation and absorption spectra of chromatophores, peripheral light-harvesting complexes (LH2), core complexes (LH1-RC), and pigments in solution.

Carotenoid-containing and carotenoid-less samples were compared: LH1-RC and LH2 from Allochromatium minutissimum, Ectothiorhodospira haloalkaliphila, and chromatophores from Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Rhodospirillum rubrum wild type and carotenoid-free strains R-26 and G9. BChl-to-carotenoid EET was absent, or its efficiency was less than the accuracy of the measurements of similar to 5%.

Quantum chemical calculations support the experimental results: The transition dipole moments of spatially close carotenoid/BChl pairs were found to be nearly orthogonal. The structural arrangements suggest that Soret EET may be lacking for the studied systems, however, EET from carotenoids to Q(x) appears to be possible.