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Contribution to the European Pollen Database in Neotoma: a pollen diagram of Rokytecka slat mire, Bohemian Forest/Sumava (Czech Republic)

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


Rokytecká slat is a montane oligo-ombrotrophic raised bog situated on the vast Modrava plains. Sediment cores were retrived in 2008 with a Russian corer from the deepest part of the mire.

From the core B six bulk samples were radicarbon dated. The age-depth model of the sequence was made by linear interpolation.

The diagram was divided to five statistically significant zones. The vegetation development from the Pinus - Betula boreal forest to the dense natural montane mixed forest with Abies, Fagus and Picea of the mid and late Holocene was recorded.

Human activity was related to the Bronze Age. The main colonisation is dedicated to the Middle Ages.

In the recent soil acidification increased the spread of Picea.