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Conceptualization of assessment of personality disorders in adolescents

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The child pathology, especially personality disorders in adolescence, is still under-studied, making it difficult for professionals to work in diagnostics and intervention. Although the prevailing categorical system of diagnosis of personality disorders does not recommend the diagnosis in individuals under the age of 17, current research shows that the severity of personality pathology can be reliably assessed already in childhood, resp. adolescence.

This evidence is primarily based on modern theories of object relations and egopsychology, especially Kernberg's concept of personality organization. Dimensional evaluation of identity pathology penetrates into new diagnostic systems, especially the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) Alternative model for personality disorders, which allows the assessment of personality pathology from the age of 11 onwards.

For a clearer mapping of the personality of the adolescent, a tool called Interview of personality organization processes for adolescents (IPOP-A) has also been created to assess personality dynam-ics, image the strengths and weaknesses of the individual, and determine the level of personality functioning according to the severity of the pathology. This specific diagnostic tool can also be used for differential diagnosis between borderline personality disorder and ADHD whose symptomatic manifestations overlap each other.

The article presents a systematic view on the issue of the assessment of PDs in adolescents with an emphasis on relevant research studies in the field of theory and diagnostic practice.