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Seeking Inspiration for Current Challenges



The first (historical) part of the conference was dedicated to selected Czechoslovak economists (Albín Bráf, Alois Rašín, Karel Engliš, Josef Macek, Jaroslav Krejčí Jr., Imrich Karvaš) and their contribution to the present. These personalities were discussed by economist Ilona Bažantová (Charles University), economist Jiří Blažek (Masaryk University), economist Kamil Fuchs (Mendel's University), historian Josef Tomeš (Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), historian and political scientist Lukáš Valeš (University of West Bohemia) and political scientist Jozef Vlčej (Diplomatic Academy at the Faculty of Law of Comenius University).

The second part had a form of a panel discussion in which participated mainly experts with practical experience.