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Male sterility significantly elevates shape variation and fluctuating asymmetry of zygomorphic corolla in gynodioecious Glechoma hederacea (Lamiaceae)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Female flowers of gynodioecious plants usually have smaller corollas than bisexual flowers. This difference is explained as a developmental consequence of stamen abortion and as a result of stronger selection for larger corolla size in hermaphroditic flowers that solely ensure male function within populations.

This study evaluated whether the size difference of zygomorphic corollas in a widely distributed gynodioecious herb Glechoma hederacea is accompanied by variation in shape and bilateral fluctuating asymmetry of sexually differentiated flowers. Geometric morphometric analyses of bilateral symmetry in the shapes of corolla lower lips showed that male-sterile flowers were significantly more plastic and asymmetric, implying that they may be subjected to weaker stabilizing selection for corolla shape in comparison to hermaphrodites.

These results illustrated that sexual differentiation may be an important factor contributing to bilateral fluctuating asymmetry in the shape of zygomorphic flowers.