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Psychological and Educational Support for University Students with Special Needs

Publication at Faculty of Education |


According to Higher Education Act 1998, higher education institutions (universities) are obliged to provide students with information and counseling services and accept measures to make opportunities equal for all applicants and students. However, no specific regulations were introduced until 2012, when the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports granted the public universities increased financial aid to support students with specialeducational needs (SEN).

Issuing this instrument contributed to the official acknowledgement of inclusion at the tertiary education level and established minimal standards of service and organizational support for students with SEN. It also had an impact on embedding the system of support of students with SEN in the regulations of individual universities.

At Charles University, Rector's Provision No. 23/2017 defines the standards of support measures. In order to enable equal access to study and comparable study conditions for all students, the support system includes measures such as modifications of the admissionprocedure for applicants with SEN, modifications of study and examination, equipping lecture halls and classrooms with necessary technical and teaching aids.

Moreover, support centers should also raise the awareness of universities' staff about the issue of special educational needs and inclusion, including methodological support for teaching, and more. Another important part of the support system is the support of lifelong learning to develop students' personalities, talent and partial skills.