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Live Map : History of Natural Sciences in the Czech Lands



The project team created a topographically oriented database of historically significant places based on data collection, field research and methodically based expert processing. The content of the database is projected onto a digital specialised map.

It is an output of the primary documentation and digitisation of sites of memorial that are associated with the development of natural sciences from the Middle Ages to the present, with emphasis on the local/regional occurrence of the phenomena under study. The map is comprehensively interactive, the original benefit is the possibility of multi-level filtering (e.g. chronological, typological, disciplinary) between the presented points.

The map also allows specific searches according to keywords (field, institution or person). Besides the map, a digital e-atlas has been developed which serves as an index or an interactive database of all map entries.

Each entry in the map allows the user to access the corresponding entry in the e-atlas, where more detailed information, images and other technical apparatus can be found. The creators of the map are aware that all map content cannot be limited to physically existing places.

The database, map and e-atlas can therefore never be finished, but are a work in progress, open to possible additions or revisions. This is why the web interface which hosts the map includes a form to contact the research team with proposals for further additions to the map.