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Reflections on some statistics of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a central European perspective

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Introduction: The aim of this work is to compare some statistical data related to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the Czech Republic and other Central European countries. Methodology: As of 17 April 2021, data on the number of infected, deceased and vaccinated persons and the number of tests for SARS-CoV-2 were recorded from available Internet sources.

They were correlated with economic, health and social parameters. Results: In the population of Central European countries, the proportion of those infected ranged between 3.7% (Germany) and 14.9% (Czechia).

The proportion of deaths among those infected ranged from 1.2% (Netherlands) to 3.3% (Hungary), in the Czech Republic it was 1.8%. The share of vaccinees ranged between 14.1% (Switzerland) and 32.0% (Hungary), in the Czech Republic it was 14.9%.

The number of tests ranged between 261,224 / 1,000,000 (Slovakia) and 3,163,023 / 1,000,000 (Austria), in the Czech Republic was 1,445,951 / 1,000,000. The proportion of those infected negatively correlated with the number of hospital beds / 100,000 (p = 0.041) and the proportion of deaths was negatively correlated with GDP (p = 0.007).

Conclusion: The above statistics illustrate the situation regarding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Central European countries. In the Czech Republic, despite the highest proportion of infection in the population, we managed to keep the proportion of deaths among those infected at low numbers.